Saturday, August 22, 2009

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Forward to the Witch Trials. You got a good day out and of course there was a big bonfire. Whoever heard of a Witch Trial without a good bonfire afterwards? And afterwards you could roast potatoes in the ashes. The afternoon melted into the evening and the shadows in corners and under stools and tables crept out and ran together. Granny rocked gently in her chair as the darkness wrapped itself around her. She had a look of deep concentration. The logs in the fireplace collapsed into the embers which winked out one by one. The night thickened. The old clock ticked on the mantelpiece and for some length of time there was no other sound. There came a faint rustling. The paper bag on the table moved and then began to crinkle like a deflating balloon. Slowly the still air filled with a heavy smell of decay. After a while the first maggot crawled out. Nanny Ogg was back home and just pouring a pint of beer when there was a knock..
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